Please click on the application number to view the full details and comment on applications.
Number | Location | Details |
PA17/03373/PREAPP | Land Rear To Louraine House Crowlas | Pre-application advice for construction of eight affordable houses (family self build scheme), four open market dwellings and associated works |
PA17/12207 | Land N Of Chy An Mor Roundabout Jelbert Way Eastern Green | To undertake the following work that is considered to be exempted from the Electricity Act 1989 by falling within the Overhead Lines (Exemption) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009: To add 2 pole legs to two existing poles to create H poles to allow for the over head lines to be placed under ground as per plan 2760846 at Eastern Green |
PA17/11523 | La Mouette Castle Road Ludgvan | Replacement Low-Energy Dwelling. (revision in relation to Approval PA16/10365: additional built element on West Elevation to form Dining Room area |
PA17/11767 | Barn ESE Of Galowva Cottages A30 Between Rospeath Lane And Cockwells Crowlas | Submission of details to discharge conditions 4 and 5 in respect of decision notice PA15/04859 |
PA17/11632 | The Cottage Gilly Lane Whitecross | Proposed porch and general alterations to provide a self-contained Annexe |
PA17/10394 | Treas Lew Gilly Lane Whitecross | Seasonal roundhouse, self contained, with septic tank for holiday use |
PA17/03199/PREAPP | Log Cabin Trencrom Lelant Downs Hayle | Pre-application for the erection of ancillary accommodation and associated works (re-submission of PA17/08515). |
PA17/10559 | 1 Chy-An-Gweal Estate Ludgvan | Removal of approximately 6 metres of hedge and dropping of kerb in order to create two parking spaces. |
PA17/10399 | Land ESE Of The Old Inn Lower Quarter Ludgvan | Submission of details to discharge condition 8 in respect of Decision Notice PA17/05417 dated 4th August 2017 |
PA17/09595 | Howlsedhas Long Lane Ludgvan | To construct a timber verandah at first floor level to the back of the house |
PA17/10885 | The Croft Access Track To Georgia Farm Borea Farm And Upper Croft Todden Nancledra | Single storey extension including rooflights |
PA17/03099/PREAPP | Trenowin Farm Ludgvan | Pre-application advice sought in respect of the conversion, extension and change of use of a commercial building to 2 dwellinghouses (amended scheme to PA17/03059). |
PA17/09294 | Gonew View Access Track From Carntiscoe Road To Gonew Viscoe Lelant Downs | Change of use of land to allow the siting of a caravan for holiday letting purposes |
PA17/10583 | 2 Bowls Barn Castle Road Ludgvan | Retention and alteration of garden decking |
PA17/10093 | The Lodge Nancledra | Application for a Certificate of Lawfulness (existing use) for the occupation of dwelling in breach of holiday occupancy condition |
PA17/10062 | Ludgvan Academy School Lower Quarter Ludgvan | Notification of installation of a new ground mounted substation under permitted development under Class G (a) of Part 17 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 |
PA17/08703 | Bowls Barn Castle Road Ludgvan | Retrospective application for the change of use of agricultural land and building to part use of the building as a commercial timber workshop and part use of the building as a domestic stable/store, part use of the land as a car parking area for use in conjunction with the commercial timber workshop and part use of the land for the keeping of horses, and the consolidation and extension of the hardstanding area around the building. |
PA17/09678 | Carntiscoe Workshops Carntiscoe Road Lelant Downs | Conversion of redundant farm buildings to dwelling |
PA17/02813/PREAPP | Land SW Of Marchton Rose An Grouse Canonstown | Pre-application advice for development of approximately 9-12 residential properties |
PA17/09666 | Carvan 7 Varfell Lane Long Rock | Addition of pole leg on pole number 41MK4 to form H pole not to exceed 12metres in height as per plan 2343826OHV2 location is Crowlas Penzance just off A30 |
PA17/09570 | Boslowen Crowlas | Application for non material amendment to application PA15/06220 (proposed extension) for a lower profile roof |
PA17/09181 | Tregarthen Barn Tregarthen Farm Long Rock | Alterations to fenestration, Juliet balcony and timber balcony and small rear single storey extension |
PA17/09453 | Land W Of Wyevale Garden Centre Nut Lane Lelant | Submission of details to discharge condition 3 in respect of Decision Notice PA17/06448 dated 20th September 2017 |
PA17/09320 | Land ESE Of The Old Inn Lower Quarter Ludgvan | Non-material amendments (NMA 1) for removal of kitchen window to west elevation, east elevation to be stone faced to match the west and south and change the dining room window/single door to bi-fold doors to match the living room in respect of decision notice PA17/05417 |
PA17/09121 | Brunnion Vean Brunnion Road Lelant Downs | Reconstruction of barn to adjoin new part single storey and rear 2 storey extension with dormer. New Solar PV panels. |
PA17/08989 | Rosemerryn Rose An Grouse Canonstown Hayle | The demolition of existing dormer bungalow and the construction of two semi-detached dormer bungalows |
PA17/08926 | Chris Sedgeman Scaffolding Ltd Unit 14 A, B And C Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock | New vehicular access from scaffold yard onto Long Rock Highway (revised application in relation to PA17/05762) |
PA17/08872 | 8 Strawberry Fields Crowlas | Revocation of existing s106 agreement and replacement with a new agreement based on the single dwelling template. |
PA17/08515 | Log Cabin Trencrom Lelant Downs Hayle | Erection of ancillary accommodation and associated works |
PA17/08010 | The Byre Higher Tremenheere Farm Tregassack Road Ludgvan | Conversion of Existing Garage to Ancillary Accommodation to the Main Dwelling House |
PA17/08544 | Carruthers A30 Between Crowlas And White Cross Cockwells | Demolition of substandard dwelling and the construction of a replacement dwelling and all associated works |
PA17/08304 | The Fieldhouse 15 Furze Croft Nancledra | Change of use of pasture land to garden for The Fieldhouse |
PA17/08055 | Land N Of Rainbow Meadow Back Lane Crowlas | Outline application for residential development with all matters reserved |
PA17/08019 | Land NE Of Ludgvan House Blowing House Hill Ludgvan | Outline planning permission with all matters reserved: Proposed two new houses |
PA17/07503 | St Ives Holiday Village Lelant | Replacement of 30 existing holiday units with 26 new lodges |
PA17/08047 | Land At Eglos Farm Castle Road Ludgvan | Submission of details to discharge conditions 3, 8 and 9 in respect of decision notice PA17/01764 |
PA17/07607 | Polpeor Villa Wheal Kitty Road Lelant Downs | Proposed annex for dependant |
PA17/07147 | 1 The Buildings Station Road Long Rock | Construction of Extension and Associated Works including a balcony |
PA17/06866 | 3 Sea View Cottages Road From Eastern Green To Roundabout East Of Godolphin Villa Long Rock | Application for change of use of existing holiday let to full residential |
PA17/07123 | Land South Of Trewidden Cottages Crowlas | Submission of details to discharge conditiions 5 and 6 in respect of decision notice PA15/10512 – (Appeal decision DO840/W/16/3144081) |
PA17/07147 | 1 The Buildings Station Road Long Rock | Construction of Extension and Associated Works including a balcony |
PA17/06865 | 3 Sea View Cottages Long Rock | Proposed Second Floor Dormer Window & Balcony |
PA17/05641 | Unit E Rospeath Industrial Estate Crowlas | Proposed change of use from B2 to a Muay Thai and boxing gym (D2) |
PA17/06975 | Unit 2B Main Access To Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock | Submission of details to discharge Condition 2 in respect of decision no. PA17/04926 |
PA17/06567 | Park Noweth Vellanoweth Ludgvan | Erection of conservatory to the SE elevation of the property |
PA17/06448 | Land W Of Wyevale Garden Centre Nut Lane Lelant | Closure of two sub-standard and dangerous accesses and formation of new field access |
PA17/06372 | Tyringham Arms Nance Trink | Conversion of old public house/restaurant (originally built as a school) to 5 residential units. The school house and flat are already in residential use |
PA17/05928 | Boswase Cottage Nancledra Hill Nancledra | Replacement larger rear entrance porch |
PA17/05762 | Chris Sedgeman Scaffolding Ltd Unit 14 A, B And C Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock | New vehicular access from scaffold yard onto Long Rock Highway |
PA17/05645 | 60 Godolphin Road Long Rock | Demolition of existing and erection of new conservatory |
PA17/04910 | Land At Gitchell Lane Gitchell Lane Cockwells | Conversion, Extension & Associated Works of Existing Historical Dwelling to Form Sustainable Family Dwelling & Associated Works |
PA17/05928 | Boswase Cottage Nancledra Hill Nancledra | Replacement larger rear entrance porch |
PA17/05565 | Praise Cottage 4 Higher Eglos Cottages Eglos Road Ludgvan | Detached self-contained family annexed accommodation ancillary to main house. (re-submission of PA17/02897) |
PA17/05377 | Rospavean Rospeath Lane Crowlas | Detached annexed accommodation for a family member. |
PA17/05417 | Land ESE Of The Old Inn Lower Quarter Ludgvan | Proposed Dwelling (Redesign of Planning Approval PA15/00243) |
PA17/05237 | Trembethow Farm Lelant Downs Hayle | Proposed agricultural shed |
PA17/05255 | Land N Of Chy An Mor Roundabout Jelbert Way Eastern Green | Erect a free standing H pole, height not to exceed 12 metres in height, as per plan, at Penzance heliport site, Eastern Green, Penzance |
PA17/05154 | 3 Tregender Road Crowlas | Rear extension, garage extension and loft conversion with dormer and balcony roof window |
PA17/04926 | Unit 2B Main Access To Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock | Application for change of use of land and building for purposes within Classes B1, B2, B8 and Sui Generis (taxi operating centre and parking) |
PA17/01507/PREAPP | Former Fawkes Countryside Building Longrock | Pre-application enquiry to build a commercial building on the site |
PA17/04584 | Unit 18 Poniou Road Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock | Non-material amentment (NMA 1) for changes to the parking arrangements and regularisation of the site layout in respect of decision notice PA12/05949 |
PA17/03351 | The Range Long Rock | Advert consent for 2No internally illuminated with LED flex face signs, 1No internally illuminated with LED built up Perspex logo, 15No non illuminated slim frame flex face signs and 1No double sided, non illuminated post sign |
PA17/04468 | Car Park Long Rock | Screening request for the upgrade of coastal defences |
PA17/03824 | Rosevidney Manor Road Between Lane To Tregilliowe Farm And Gitchell Lane Rosevidney Crowlas | Previously approved PA15/11343. Amendments to Closure of Existing Site Entrance to the South of Rosevidney Manor, Creation of New Garage Entrance & For Domestic Maintence Purposes, Construction of a Granite Double Garage and Associated Works |
PA17/04553 | Longrock Stores Long Rock | Longrock Coastal Improvement Project Screening request for the environmental improvements to Marazion Marsh |
PA17/04013 | Pets At Home Unit 1 Land South Of B And Q Eastern Green | Application for Advertisement consent for various signage for Pets at Home |
PA17/01101/PREAPP | Carntiscoe Farm House Carntiscoe Road Lelant Downs Hayle | Pre-application advice for conversion of redundant farm buildings to dwelling |
PA17/04137 | Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock | Submission of details to discharge condition 16 in respect of decision notice PA15/02365 |
PA17/03839 | Land South Of Trewidden Cottages Crowlas | Submission of details to discharge conditions 2, 5 and 6 in regards to PA15/10512 (Allowed at appeal Ref: APP/D0840/W/16/3144081) |
PA17/01123/PREAPP | Land ESE Ludgvan House Lower Quarter Ludgvan | Pre-application advice for conversion and extension of outbuilding to form residential unit |
PA17/03202 | Glenspey A30 Between The Lamb And Flag And Griggs Hill Rose An Grouse Canonstown | Proposed boat store with room above in the roof for an annexe |
PA17/03201 | Strawberry Fields Crowlas | Construction of 14 dwellings (3 affordable and 11 open market) and associated works |
PA17/02335 | Moratan Blowing House Hill Ludgvan | Erection of annexed accommodation |
PA17/01764 | Land At Eglos Farm Castle Road Ludgvan | Change of use of land for the siting of 5 no. glamping pods for tourism accommodation with associated works |
PA17/03101 | 3 Parc Shady Whitecross | Ground floor alterations and first floor extension to existing bungalow, replacement garage and entrance porch |
PA17/03059 | Trenowin Farm Ludgvan | Change of use of single storey office/warehouse building to 1 no. 2 storey semi-detached dwelling and 1 no. single storey annex with demolition of roof structure and construction of new first storey and roof. New amenity space and private drive created out of surroundings |
PA17/02957 | Trewynne Coombe Ninnesbridge Road Lelant Downs | Demolition of an existing single storey dwelling and replace with a two storey dwelling. Conversion of existing, single storey building to two storey kitchen and living room to be linked to the main dwelling at first floor level with an access walkway |
PA17/02897 | Praise Cottage 4 Higher Eglos Cottages Eglos Road Ludgvan | Detached garage and self-contained family annexed accommodation ancillary to main house. |
PA17/02246 | Newtown Lane Long Rock | Two new light industrial units and office accommodation with associated car parking and storage compound areas |
PA17/02717 | The Buildings Station Road Long Rock | Submission of details to discharge condition 8 in respect of Decision Notice PA11/08227 dated 18th April 2012 |
PA17/02329 | Gonew View Access Track From Carntiscoe Road To Gonew Viscoe Lelant | Retention of wooden horse stable containing two horse boxes and a storage area, and a stand-alone wooden tack room |
PA17/02285 | Barn Tolver Water House Tolver Long Rock | Use of building as a holiday let and farm office |
PA17/02132 | 61 Godolphin Road Long Rock | Proposed loft conversion with dormer window and velux roof windows |
PA17/01593 | Earlydene A30 Between Whitecross And The Lamb And Flag Canonstown | Demolition of the existing dwelling, and the construction of a replacement dwelling and associated works |
PA17/00948 | The Range Long Rock | Erection of lighting columns within the car park |
PA17/01879 | Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock | Submission of details to discharge condition 10 in respect of decision notice PA15/02365 |
PA17/01767 | Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock | Submission of details to discharge condition 11 in respect of decision notice PA15/02365 |
PA17/01773 | Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock | Submission of details to discharge condition 18 in respect of decision notice PA15/02365 |
PA17/01514 | B & M Retail Ltd Jelbert Way Eastern Green | Variation of condition number 5 (restricting sale of food or drink to sale for consumption on site from a restaurant or coffee shop ancillary to the main use of the site) in respect of decision 1/88/P/0800/F dated 20/09/1988 to also allow sale of food and drink from up to 291sqm provided the store is occupied by a single retailer selling comparison (non-food) goods |
PA17/01246 | 31 Godolphin Road Long Rock | Demolition of existing ground floor extension and construction of replacement ground floor extension |
PA17/00221 | Tregender Farmhouse Tregender Lane Crowlas | Conversion of existing redundant barns to form five residential dwellings, with associated parking and landscaping |
PA16/09690 | Tregarthen Barn Tregarthen Farm Tregarthen Long Rock | Proposed extension, alterations including a balcony and juliet balconies and associated works (Previously approved PA15/04591) |
PA17/01351 | Lower Menwidden Cottage Vellanoweth Ludgvan | Proposed two-storey extension |
PA17/00223/PREAPP | 1 Chy-An-Gweal Estate Ludgvan | Pre-application advice for change of use of land to domestic curtilage; removal of hedge and creation of two parking spaces |
PA17/00859 | McDonalds Restaurant Long Rock | Application for Planning Permission for reconfiguration of the drive thru lane and kerb lines to provide a side-by-side order point including a new island for signage and associated works to the site. Alterations to elevations which include the construction of extensions totalling 24.5 sqm, incorporating extending the dining area and back of house. Replacement drive thru booths to be installed with new cladding surrounds. The installation of 2 no. new Customer Order Displays (COD) and a Goal Post height restrictor with a new drive thru signage suite |
PA17/00860 | McDonalds Restaurant Long Rock | Application for advertisement consent for the installation of 4 no. new signs and the relocation of 4 no. existing drive thru signs |
PA17/00799 | Land South Of B And Q Jelbert Way Long Rock | Submission of details to discharge condition 8 in respect of application no. PA15/02365 dated 26/05/16 |
PA17/00338 | Hannaville Gilly Lane Whitecross | Surfacing of access, change of use of land and creation of parking area, erection of retaining walls and erection of studio/shed in garden |
PA17/00543 | Treassowe Barn Castle Road Ludgvan | Submission of details to discharge conditions 3 and 4 of application PA16/06317 (Listed building consent for the proposed rebuilding and adaptation of existing conservatory) |
PA17/00461 | Great Western Long Rock Penzance | Overhead line exemption for the refurbishment of existing 11KV overhead line and poles as per enclosed plan 2501968 also addition of extra pole legs |
PA17/00456 | Carpark Former Heliport Eastern Green Penzance | Submission of details to discharge condition 4 in respect of Decision Notice PA16/07103 dated 21st December 2016 |
PA17/00164 | Land ESE Ludgvan House Lower Quarter Ludgvan Penzance | Conversion and extension of outbuilding to form residential unit |