Register of Delegated Decisions 2020

The following are decisions that have been taken by the Clerk as Proper Officer of the council under the Emergency Scheme of Delegation as a result of the Coronavirus Bill 2020 and associated Government Restrictions. The Register is made in accordance with the 2014 Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations.

Further details can be requested from the Clerk by email:

Information exempted under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the General Data Protection Regulations marked * will not be published.

date of decisionref nodecision taken byfinancial values.137?details
14 May 2020LPC014Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£0no
Pension scheme arrangements.
The council to continue to use the NEST pension scheme, with employer contributions to continue at existing level. The parish council to start a salary sacrifice option, and any employer savings from reduced NI contributions to be paid into the pension scheme.
14 May 2020LPC013Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£4,203.61 – in line with budgeted expense except the grave digging (ref. LPC 002)noSchedule of payments
The payments to be made:
L Dowe (Clerk’s salary)  £1,322.63
L Dowe (Clerk’s expenses)  £52.00
HMRC (PAYE tax and NI) £508.22
Rialtas Business Solutions Ltd (moving accounts software to new laptop)  £30.00
Joseph Beard (grave digging) £1,880.00
Viking (office supplies) £88.54
South West Water (water charges, Ludgvan cemetery) £16.01
South West Water (water charges, Church Hill Allotments) £306.21
14 May 2020LPC012Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£0noA30 Improvements needed
Agreed to upload the council’s position statement to the parish council website, and for the calls for action to be sent to Highways England and Cornwall Council
14 May 2020LPC011Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£150 for Zoom licencenoArrangements for remote meetings of the parish council, and amendment to standing orders.
Remote meetings to be held from 10 June 2020, based on using Zoom (Teams and other options may be trialled also) and the intention is to live-stream meetings, with public speakers to be issued with invitations to the Zoom meeting, for the public speaking period only. Public speaking requests to be made in advance of the meeting, with at least 24 hours notice, the Clerk to be notified of the purpose for speaking. Zoom invitations to be issued to speakers on agenda items only.
Standing Orders to be amended to allow for remote meetings to be held in this way, based on the amendments circulated with the reports to councillors.
14 May 2020LPC010Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrsaiming to achieve for £4,800. Council approval for up to £5,775noIT equipment and licences for all parish councillors:
1. the council to purchase a device (laptop or tablet) and subscription to Office 365 Business Premium for each parish councillor
2. the devices to be laptops as keyboards will aid use (aiming for each device to cost less than £300)
3. 12 devices to be purchased (anticipating co-options in near future, benefits of compatible devices and configurations)
4. Reserves to be used to fund the devices and subscriptions in this financial year
22 April 2020LPC009Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£0 noPension scheme
The clerk will be auto-enrolled into the council’s existing NEST pension scheme. Clarification will be sought on the employers contribution rate.
22 April 2020LPC008Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£4,492.44noPayments to be made:
CALC subscription £1,095.12
Simon Rhodes (works to the Square, Ludgvan) £200
L Dowe (March salary and expenses) £1,405.15
HMRC (March salary, PAYE and NIC) £667.40
L Dowe (refund for office equipment costs) £1,124.77
22 April 2020LPC007Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£0noCornwall Council consultation – biodiversity net gain. The parish council will express concern that this was not an appropriate time to carry out a public consultation and to request that it be deferred. Individual councillors may respond to the consultation in their individual capacity.
22 April 2020LPC006Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£1,144.12noApproved annual subscriptions:
BrightPay (£49)
CALC (£1,095.12)
22 April 2020LPC005Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£0noDecision making and virtual meetings. Deferred pending further consultation. A majority were in favour of purchasing laptops and software for all parish cllrs. Further consultation on:
– preference for laptops or tablet devices
– number of devices to be purchased
– logistics for proposed virtual meetings
– approval for use of funds from reserves (for ratification at next council meeting)
– proposed protocols
– participation of the press and public in virtual meetings
22 April 2020LPC004Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrsbudgeted expenditurenoPublic footpaths maintenance and grass-cutting in cemeteries. Contractors to be asked to carry out works in line with usual schedules, building in social distancing precautions and ensuring safe working practices.
22 April 2020LPC003Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£400yesParish council measures in response to COVID-19 pandemic.
1. the council will contribute to the costs of printing and distributing the leaflet to each household in the parish (sharing costs with CC Ward Member producing it)
2. Anticipated costs of up to £400 for the leaflet costs, to be allocated from Reserves, noting that 50% of the costs will come from the CC Ward Member Community Chest.
3. The council will hold and distribute the pre-paid supermarket cards, to be purchased by the CC Ward Member from their Community Chest Fund. The cards to be allocated by cllrs Mann, Parker and Elliott, and that a confidential record will be maintained by the cllrs, should this be needed for audit purposes.
9 April 2020LPC002Clerk, following consultation with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Cllr Elliott£1,400 plus waste disposal estimated at £480noCemeteries – covid-19 precautions. Decision to contract a grave digger to excavate and then backfill 6 graves each at St Paul’s and Crowlas cemeteries, in line with advised practice across Cornwall
8 April 2020LPC001Clerk, following consultation with all Cllrs£0noEmergency Operational Policy and Scheme of Delegation. Adoption of council policy to enable council decision making and transparency to contine.