Those listed on the memorial plaques, Long Rock (plaques originally displayed in the Long Rock Memorial Institute, Long Rock, Penzance
Information on a number of the men obtained from Morrab Library records:
Borough of Penzance, Book of Remembrance, Biographical Details.
David S Beard
Lance Corporal. 26329. 1st Battalion, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, 95th Brigade, 5th Division. Killed in action on Monday 23rd April 1917 aged 27. Husband of M.E.L. Rowe (formerly Beard of Poniou, Gulval) of Pleming, Long Rock, Penzance, Cornwall. Born in Cambridge and enlisted in Penzance. Listed on Arras Memorial, Faubourg – d’Amiens Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France (Bay 6). Listed on Gulval Church War Memorial, Gulval War Memorial and Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial. The 22nd April found the Battalion out of the line at Bois du Berthorval cleaning up and drying out after heavy rains. The same day they received orders for an attack on the village of La Coulotte the following day. At 0445 hours both B and C Companies, with A and D Companies in support, advanced behind an excellent barrage but soon came under heavy machine-gun fire but they continued the advance only to be met by thick wire in front of the enemy trenches. The attack developed into a fierce bombing contest between the DCLI and the Germans. The Battalion suffered severe casualties with C Company being reduced to one Officer and 10 Other Ranks. The fighting continued all day but later slackened with 14th Warwicks arrived to relieve 1 DCLI.
Faubourg D’Amiens Cemetery, France

William H Boase
BOASE, William Henry. Private. T/254834. 37th Railhead Supply Detachment, Army Service Corps. Killed in action on Easter Day 8th April 1917 aged 37. Born in Ludgvan and enlisted in Penzance. Husband of Caroline Boase of 5 Tolverth Terrace and later of 20 Trescoe Street, Long Rock, Penzance. Interred in Faubourg D’Amiens Cemetery, Arras, France (II.P.19). Listed on Ludgvan Church War Memorial, Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial and in Penzance Book of Remembrance.
Faubourg D’Amiens Cemetery, Arras, France

Richard Brewer | Edward Cartwright | Bert Davey |
Leonard Edwards | William Finch | John Glasson |
Robert Glasson |
Garfield Pheby
PHEBY, Richard Garfield. Private. 36176. 1st Battalion, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry, 95th Brigade, 5th Division. Killed in action on Tuesday 6th November 1917 aged 26 by a German sniper. Son of James and Catherine Pheby of Nancledra, Long Rock; husband of Mary (Minnie) Elizabeth Pheby of Tolver, Long Rock, Penzance. Born in Long Rock, Ludgvan and enlisted in Penzance. Interred in Hooge Crater Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium (VIA.A.13). Listed on Gulval Church War Memorial and Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial. At 0600 hours on 6 November A and B Companies, with C and D Companies in immediate support, commenced an attack on the Polderhoek Chateau. From the start they were met by heavy fire and throughout the day suffered considerable losses. Bombing parties were in action from both sides but by 1530 hours the Battalion was forced to withdraw to their original positions and consolidate. That night the Battalion, with 11 officers and 123 other ranks killed, wounded or missing, was relieved by 1st East Surreys.
Hooge Crater Cemetery, Ypres, Belgium

Thomas Scott
SCOTT, Thomas Edward. Long Service and Good Conduct Medal. Serjeant. 9806. A Company, 4th Battalion, King’s Royal Rifle Corps, 80th Brigade, 27th Division. Killed in action on Monday 24th May 1915 aged 36. Son of Thomas and Jane Scott of 29 Leskinnick Terrace, Penzance; husband of Mrs Belinda Roberts Scott of 14 Union Terrace, Penzance and father of six children. Served in the South African War. Born in St John’s, Penzance and enlisted in Penzance. Listed on the Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium (Panel 51 and 53), Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial and in Penzance Book of Remembrance.
Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium

John Wallace | Chesney Walters |
James H Williams
WILLIAMS, James Henry. Sapper. 112716. 172nd Tunnelling Company, Corps of Royal Engineers. Killed in action on Friday 23rd June 1916 aged 27. Son of James and Mary Williams of Eglos, Ludgvan; husband of Lilian Williams of Long Rock then 5 Prospect Place, Penzance and later of 7 Clement Street, St Pauls, Bristol. Born in Ludgvan and enlisted in Camborne. Interred in Ecoivres Military Cemetery, Mont-St Eloi, near Arras, Pas de Calais, France (II.F.27). Listed on Ludgvan Church War Memorial, on Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial and in Penzance Book of Remembrance.
Ecoivres Military Cemetery, near Arras, France

William Young | Cecil Stephens |
WWII Memorial Plaque
William Trevorrow Uren
UREN, William (Willie) Trevorrow. Petty Officer Stoker. D/KX 77861. Royal Navy. HMS Gypsy (H63). Killed in action on Tuesday 21st November 1939 aged 30. Son of James B. and Alice Uren; husband of Winifred Uren of 45 Medrose Terrace, Penzance. Interred St Mary Churchyard, Shotley, Suffolk. Listed on Ludgvan Church War Memorial, Lelant Church War Memorial, Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial and in Penzance Book of Remembrance. HMRS Gypsy, a G class destroyer, was mined and sunk in the channel to Harwich 21st November 1939 with the loss of 30 members of her crew.
HMS Gypsy 1936

St Mary Churchyard, Shotley, Suffolk

Richard John Stevens
STEVENS, Richard John (Jack). Corporal. 7644638. Royal Army Ordnance Corps. Died on Monday 28th August 1944. Son of Stephen and Therenia Stevens of 3 Beechfield Cottages, Long Rock, Penzance. Interred in St Ludgvan Church Cemetery, Ludgvan, Penzance. Listed on Ludgvan War Memorial, Long Rock Memorial Institute War Memorial and Penzance Book of Remembrance. Listed as Royal Army Service Corps on Long Rock Memorial.
Ludgvan Church War Memorial

Inscription reads: ‘They gave their lives for their country’