Planning Archive 2015

Please click on the application number to view the full details and comment on applications.

PA15/12015Unit 2 Penzance Retail Park Eastern Green 2 Number of fascia signs 
PA15/11854St Ives Holiday Village Lelant Proposed replacement of 17 holiday lodges
PA15/11403Trefusis Canonstown Hayle Canonstown Certificate of lawfulness for the existing single storey rear extension to a private dwelling house
PA15/11007Ludgvan House Lower Quarter Ludgvan Listed building consent for internal and external alterations associated with sub-division of Ludgvan House to create two dwellings
PA15/11006Ludgvan House Lower Quarter Ludgvan Sub-division of Ludgvan House to create two dwellings 
PA15/11343Rosevidney Manor Road Between Lane To Tregilliowe Farm And Gitchell Lane Rosevidney Crowlas (Amended Design) Construction of granite double garage and associated works
PA15/11311 Tregender Barn Tregender Lane Crowlas Barn conversion
PA15/111741 Chy-an-mor Long RockExtension to side of house
PA15/03518/PREAPPLand Off Polmor Road CrowlasPre-Application advice for 5 new dwellings, 1 of which to have an affordable element or financial penalty
PA15/10353Crepe Cuisine Ltd Unit 14 Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Extension to existing industrial unit
PA15/10587Land South Of Elm Cottage Crowlas Rural exceptions housing scheme (outline application with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved)
PA15/03518/PREAPPLand Off Polmor Road Crowlas Pre-Application advice for 5 new dwellings, 1 of which to have an affordable element or financial penalty
PA15/10545Splattenridden Farm Road Between Carntiscoe Road And Lelant Lelant Downs Proposed Temporary use of agricultural land as relief parking for the Scilly Isles during the holiday seasons due to 450 car parking spaces urgently required
PA15/10451Twin View Ludgvan Demolition of existing bungalow and outbuildings and construction of replacement dwelling and annexe
PA15/10716The Meadows CockwellsHouseholder application for the construction of a detached annex to form an artists studio .Increase in height of existing stone wall by insertion of timber privacy screen including increasing the height of the existing entrance gate to match.
PA15/10634 Old Chapel Bungalow Canonstown Hayle Extension to front
PA15/10601Hogus House Church Hill Ludgvan Fell 4 Limes and reduce 2 Bay trees
PA15/10512Land South Of Trewidden Cottages Crowlas Erection of 3 dwellings and associated works
PA15/10090Treassowe Barn Castle Road Ludgvan Listed Building Consent: Proposed rebuilding and adaption of existing conservatory
PA15/10527Ladydowns Farm Newmill New garage and alterations to existing domestic storage
PA15/08832Boswase Farm Baldhu Lane NancledraProposed Polytunnel 12 feet by 35 feet
PA15/03301/PREAPPRosevidney Livery Stables Rosevidney Farm Crowlas Pre-Application advice sought for the conversion and extensions to various existing barns to form 4-5 holiday let accomodation, associated driveway and landscape arrangements. 
PA15/0980410 Strawberry Fields Crowlas To enter into the Council’s new Section 106 agreement for single dwellings to address mortgage issues
PA15/09663Land Rear Of Treas Lew Gilly Lane Whitecross Proposed polytunnel and shed
PA15/0980410 Strawberry Fields Crowlas To enter into the Council’s new Section 106 agreement for single dwellings to address mortgage issues 
PA15/093552 Tregender Road Crowlas Raised decking to the west side of the property
PA15/03062/PREAPPBoskennal Mill Cucurrian LudgvanPre application advice for converting a barn from agricultural storage use into a dwelling
PA15/09329Old Springfields Lelant Downs Hayle Boundary wall between the property and the main road
PA15/08035Hogus House Church Hill Ludgvan Various tree works
PA15/08712Tregender Farmhouse Tregender Lane Crowlas Construction of extensions, alterations, detached garage and associated works
PA15/08710Fix Auto Penzance Unit 1B Rospeath Lane Crowlas Extension to factory
PA15/08454Questmap Business Park Phase 1 Poniou Way Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Variation of conditions 2, (use of units) 4, (Landscape) 7, (Turning Areas) 8, (Parking) 10, (Travel Plan) 11, (Vehicular Access) 17, (Carriageways and footways) 18 (Occupation of dwelling) of planning permission W1/0931348-P dated 09/12/09 (to ensure compliance between original and W1/09-1348-P and secondary planning approvals (PA14/05612).
PA15/02834/PREAPPLand SW Of Tremenheere Farm Tregassack Road Ludgvan Pre-application advice for creation of dwelling house (dormer bungalow) 
PA15/08260Former Omeagayne Canonstown Hayle Two new houses and associated site works
PA15/08195Land ENE Of Tregilliowe Cottage Crowlas Change of Use and Conversion of Traditional Barn to Create a Self-Contained Dwelling
PA15/07810Rosevidney Manor Road Between Lane To Tregilliowe Farm And Gitchell Lane Rosevidney Crowlas Construction of granite double garage and associated works
PA15/08210Lower Tregender Cockwells Installation of 4KW photovoltaic panel system on garage roof
PA15/07417Lower Tregender Cockwells Listed Building Consent for the installation of PV solar panels on the garage roof
PA15/07703Crowlas Fish Bar CrowlasSubmission of details to Discharge Condition 2 in respect of Decision PA15/03022 dated 09.07.2015
PA15/077263 Parc Shady Whitecross Ground floor alterations and first floor extension to existing bungalow with the inclusion of a Juliette balcony on both the west and north elevations 
PA15/07360Communications Mast Land At Collurian Lane Hayle Removal of the existing 17.2m mast housing 2 antennas and its replacement with a 17.5m mast housing 4 antennas and 2 x 0.3m dishes for the shared use of Vodafone and Telefonica. 1 cabinet will be removed and 2 new ones installed.
PA15/07736Long Rock Depot Penzance Cornwall TR20 8HTRequest for Prior Approval for the upgrade and extension of existing facility at Long Rock Depot
PA15/07738Long Rock Depot Penzance Cornwall TR20 8HTScreening Opinion Request for the upgrade and extension of existing facility at Long Rock Depot 
PA15/07284Unit A Questmap Business Park Poniou Way Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Change of use to the building from the current B1/B8 to D2 with the proposal of becoming a gym
PA15/07285Questmap Ltd Unit A Questmap Business Park Phase 1 Poniou Way Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Advertisement consent for proposed logo on front of building
PA15/0702124 Trescoe Road Long RockSingle storey rear extension
PA15/06712Higher Hill Access Track To Michaelmas Lelant Downs The erection of a replacement dwelling, detached garage building and 2kW ground-mounted solar PV array
PA15/06520Lower Tregellas Nurseries Cockwells Lane Cockwells Application for modification of planning obligations relating to application reference number 1/89/P/0467/F: Occupancy of annexe to open market 
PA15/06472Land SSW Of Rospavean Rospeath Lane Crowlas Screening Opinion for an affordable led mixed tenure scheme for 18 dwellings together with domestic gardens, landscaped space, garages, roads and infrastructure with provision of amenity space. 
PA15/06220 Boslowen CrowlasProposed extension
PA15/06202Land Of Rospeath Lane CrowlasOutline Application for an affordable led mixed tenure scheme for 18 dwellings together with domestic gardens, landscaped space, garages, roads and infrastructure with provision of amenity space
PA15/02060/PREAPPThe Old Cattle Market Land East Of Penwith Business Centre Long Rock Park and ride for Isles of Scilly parking, containerised and general storage
PA15/05630Land North Of Carvossa Cottage Lower Quarter Ludgvan Two storey three bedroom dwelling
PA15/05638Questmap Business Park Longrock Industrial Estate Longrock Non Material Amendment to PA11/06783 Unit X – Construction of 14 semi-detached dwellings, office unit, 3 industrial units with ancillary office accommodation (B1.B8) & refurbishment of industrial unit to form 4 units with ancillary office accommodation (B1/B8) (non material amendment to W1/09-1348-P dated 10 March 2010 to include alterations to the position of car parking)
PA15/0525340 Polmor Road Crowlas Proposed first storey side extension over existing garage
PA15/01770/PREAPPTJ Joinery Rospeath Lane Crowlas Pre application advice for construction of affordable led housing development comprising 8 new houses and parking court
PA15/01675/PREAPPOutbuilding Borea Nancledra Convert existing wooden shed 50ft x 12ft to a wooden chalet style dwelling
PA15/04993Bowgyheere Farm Access To Bowgyheere Crowlas Listed building consent for replacement window and rear porch door
PA15/04731Land South Of Trewidden Cottages Crowlas Construction of Four Sustainable Dwelling Houses (Previously Approved Planning Site PA10/06940)
PA15/04591Tregarthen Barn And Chy Lowenna Tregarthen Farm Tregarthen Long Rock First floor and porch extensions and various external alterations including balconies
PA15/04330Bospraze Access To Bospras Ludgvan Single storey extension to existing bungalow
PA15/01460/PREAPPRosevidney Farm Crowlas Pre-application advice for the siting of three ‘Safari’ style tents, a septic tank and a mobile site office on Rosevidney farm
PA15/04103Coombe Garage Unit A And B Rospeath Industrial Estate Crowlas Proposed new business unit at the side of Coombe garage
PA15/03971Tolver Water Cottage Long Rock Submissions of details to discharge of condition 3 in respect of application PA15/00851
PA15/03022Lewiss Fish And Chips Crowlas Replace existing corrugated roof to rear of the fish and chip shop with a conventional flat roof – 600mm higher. To remove the existing extract system ductwork currently penetrating the roof near the front of the premises and replace with new kitchen extract system to penetrate the new flat roof to the rear elevation.
PA15/01379/PREAPPPart Of Field Adjacent To Tregellas East Cockwells Lane Cockwells Change of use of land from agricultural use to garden
PA15/04108Questmap Business Park Phase 1 Poniou Way Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Request for confirmation of discharge conditions in respect of decision notice W1/09-1348 
PA15/01330/PREAPPFormer Workhouse At Land To Polgrean Farm Canonstown Hayle Proposed rentention and conversion of former workhouse to form holiday accomodation. 
PA15/03859Former Railway Sidings Station Road Long Rock Construction of new vehicular access junction with main road serving four new dwellings
PA15/03757Blue Horizon B3311 Between Badgers Cross And Nancledra Hill Castle Gate Ludgvan The erection of two dwellings and associated works, including their new access, and the improvement of the existing access for Blue Horizon 
PA15/03701Cattle Market Streetworks Mast Long Rock Application for determination of prior approval under Part 24 of the Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development Order 2015 for the removal of existing 13.3m streetworks mast housing 3 antennas and its replacement with a 15m mast housing 6 antennas and replacement of 1 existing cabinet with 3 new 
PA15/03595Tregender Hill Farm Tregender Lane Crowlas Single storey extension 
PA15/03431Heron House Long Rock Replacement of wooden sash windows with vertical sliding PVCU sash windows to south elevation and casement PVCU windows to west, north and east elevations 
PA15/02822Units 13 And 14 Long Rock Industrial Estate Long Rock Extension of existing industrial units, associated hard standings and boundary treatments
PA15/02092Chy-An-Brea Castle Gate Ludgvan Conversion and extension of existing domestic outbuilding to form anclillary domestic storage and annexe
PA15/02508Rosevidney Farm Crowlas The siting of three ‘Safari’ style tents, a septic tank and a mobile site office on Rosevidney farm
PA15/02399Blue Horizon B3311 Between Badgers Cross And Nancledra Hill Castle Gate Ludgvan Variation of condition 4 (access) attached to decision notice PA14/01245 for an Outline application (some matters reserved) Construction of two new dwellings and associated drainage. Relocation of vehicular access to serve Blue Horizon and two proposed dwellings.
PA15/02365Land Off Eastern Green Jelbert Way Longrock Redevelopment of land off Eastern Green (Phrase 2) To Provide Three Class A1 Retail Units, Car Parking, Access and Associated Works
PA15/02496Land South Of B And Q Jelbert Way Longrock Screening Opinion for the Redevelopment of land off Eastern Green (Phrase 2) To Provide Three Class A1 Retail Units, Car Parking, Access and Associated Works.
PA15/02344Borea Parc Nancledra Hill Nancledra Submission of details to discharge conditions 7, 8, 9 and 10 in respect of decision 07/P/0264
PA15/01725Flax Cottage Carntiscoe Road Lelant Erection of a dwelling
PA15/00006/NDPLudgvan CornwallDesignation request for undertaking a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the Parish of Ludgvan
PA15/01664Tolver Farm Tolver Water Road Long Rock Conversion and extension of barn to dwelling, installation of sewerage treatment plant, parking, solar panels, satellite dish and associated works. Revised scheme of PA14/07578.
PA15/00560/PREAPPOmeagayne Canonstown Hayle Construction of two new houses.
PA15/01499Lower Trenowin Barn Road From B3311 To Angwinack Ludgvan Conversion and extension of existing granite outbuilding to a new dwelling
PA15/00524/PREAPPTolver Water House Ludgvan Long Rock Rentention of a building extension to be used as a domestic annexe, incidental domestic storage and agricultural purposes
PA15/00155Gonew Woods Barn Lelant Downs Hayle Erection of dwelling
PA15/01128Blue Horizon Castle Gate Ludgvan Construction of two new dwellings and associated drainage. Relocation of vehicular access to serve Blue Horizon and two proposed dwellings
PA15/01118Former Railway Sidings Station Road Long Rock Construction of new vehicular access junction with main road serving five new dwellings
PA15/01030Communications Mast 5876 Collurian Whitecross The removal of 2 x Vodafone antennas and their replacement with 4 antennas for the shared use of Vodafone and Telefonica. The overall height of the mast will increase from 17.2m to 17.5m. 1 cabinet will be removed and 2 new ones installed.
PA15/00940Pen-Born 38 Heather Lane Canonstown Demolition of existing bungalow and construction of new chalet style bungalow with single storey garage
PA15/00851Tolver Water Cottage Long Rock Proposed ground floor gym and office area with snooker room above (attached to existing garage)
PA15/00462Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens Tolver Water Road Tolver Long Rock Erection of new building to act as an art gallery, office, store and utility shed.
PA15/00975Chyvellan Farm Gwallon Penzance Prior notification for a proposed grain store building
PA15/00874Land At Trink Lodge Nance Trink Retention of storage/workshop building, including downstream filtration plant and fish storage tanks and accommodation for gardener and sculptor.
PA15/00324/PREAPPHigher Hill Lelant Downs Hayle Pre-application advice for demolition and construction of new 3 bedroomed dwelling with separate garage
PA15/00738Halfords Autocentres Ltd Jelbert Way Longrock 3no. Externally illuminated fascia sign, 1no. non illuminated fascia sign, 3no. poster frames and 1no. forecourt sign
PA15/00612Adjacent To Gonew View Sign Lelant Downs Hayle Hedgerow removal application for the removal of 3m of brambles and hedge to provide access to land
PA15/00535Former Omeagayne Canonstown Hayle Certificate of Lawfulness for a Proposed Use: Confirmation of commencement of works in relation to PA11/10090: Demolish of dwelling and construction of replacement dwelling, change use of small area of field to form parking and turning area
PA15/00096/PREAPPLower Trenowin Barn Ludgvan Pre-application advice for extension to dwelling
PA15/00243Ludgvan House Lower Quarter Ludgvan Construction of Dwelling House & Associated Works
PA15/00049The Piggery Higher Tremenheere Farm Tregassack Road Ludgvan Retention of Barn Conversion for Full Residential Occupancy