Category Archives: Uncategorised

Quotes invited for Rights of Way maintenance – 2025 season

Invitation to quote for maintenance contract

Ludgvan Rights of Way

1 May 2025 to 31 March 2026, with option to renew for up to three years in total.

Ludgvan Parish Council is responsible for maintaining the rights of way within the parish of Ludgvan. Quotes are invited for this work, for the period from 1 May 2025 to 31 March 2026.

The parish council acts as agent for Cornwall Council in carrying out this maintenance work and so contractors will be required to carry out the work in accordance with Cornwall Council’s Small Works Contract.

Contractors are expected to have their own machinery, must have full Public Liability insurance of no less than five million pounds, and operate in accordance with all Health and Safety codes of practice and requirements.

Contractors should contact the parish clerk with any questions in relation to this invitation to tender for this work – email: or tel 07928 813 653

The closing date for quotes is: noon, Friday 24 January 2025

Quotes must be submitted in writing (emails are acceptable). Envelopes / emails to be clearly marked ‘LMP Quote’ and emailed to: 

Note that the council is not bound to accept the lowest quote.

LMP Maintenance Requirements

  1. The paths covered by the contract are the paths shown on the attached plan
  2. the contract is for the rights of way maintenance work from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026 to be carried out.
  3. The paths to be cut are set out on the annual schedule (attached, along with A0 map) and in accordance with Cornwall Council’s LMP requirements (below).  Note that there may be minor updates to the schedule when issued by Cornwall Council for the 2025 season.
  4. The contractor must supply all machinery and must provide (upon confirmation of contract and, if successful, on 1 April in any succeeding years) evidence to the council of adequate Public Liability insurance and, if not a limited liability company, of being treated as self employed for the purposes of taxation.
  5. The contractor must have valid training certificates for the use of powered tools e.g. brush cutter and chainsaw where they are to be used in connection with the path maintenance. Certificates must be presented to the Clerk to the Parish Council to view and take copies before a contract is awarded.
  6. Contractors unknown to the council are asked to enclose two references, preferably related to similar type of work
  7. The council reserves the right to terminate the contract where the contractor is not carrying out the work to the reasonable satisfaction of the council.
  8. Payment will be made upon receipt of invoices (after the first cut, and then after the second)
    • The quotes should: show the amount quoted for the rights of way maintenance work from 1 April 2025 to 31 March 2026; and state the amount charged per cut and per hour, in case the council requests additional cuts, or additional related work, should the need arise.

The final decision will be clearly communicated to all tenderers by the end of February 2025. The council reserves the right not necessarily to accept the lowest tender. The council’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into on the reasons why any one quote has been rejected.

Ludgvan Parish Council

5 December 2024

Be Prepared for Emergencies

The Government has published information to help everyone to prepare for emergencies such as flooding, fires and power cuts. Emergencies such as flooding, fires and power cuts can affect us all. There are simple and effective steps you can take to be more prepared.

On the basis that if an emergency strikes, being prepared will help you to deal with it, thinking about being prepared in advance will be a great help.

Many of the steps suggested are things that most of us already do: check smoke alarms; keep a torch in the house; keep handy phone numbers for emergencies; look out for vulnerable neighbours and family members.

Take a look at the advice pages at the following link, for more ideas to help you, your family, friends and local community.

Prepare – Prepare

If you are a member of a local group, organisation, WI, church, then you could also think about how your group could help its members or others in the community – for example in the event of a flood, snow, storm, power cut.

Three Parish Councillor Vacancies

There are currently three vacancies to be filled by co-option on Ludgvan Parish Council, one in the Lelant Ward and two in the Crowlas Ward. (Applicants need not live in the actual Ward – see the ‘small print’ below).

The council will fill these vacancies by co-option, which is a process where the council considers applications from interested people and can then select someone to fill the seat.

We need people from all backgrounds and experiences to put themselves forward for this role. The role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the interests of the whole community and to take an active role in the decision-making process. You don’t need any specific experience or qualifications, bring your life experiences, everyday skills and commitment to people and the local community.

Applications should be made in writing to Louise Clifton, Parish Clerk, by email to:  The application form is available online at:  Application forms submitted will be considered at the next monthly meeting of the parish council (if received at least 2 days prior to the council meeting). Note that this will be superseded by the whole council elections when they are held on 1 May 2025.

The Parish Council will consider all applications at its next scheduled meeting, following receipt of applications. Applicants will have the opportunity to give a short introduction about themselves if they wish to.

Ludgvan Parish Council meetings are currently held at 6.45pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Find out more about the work of the council on the website:

The Small Print

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and a British citizen, or an eligible Commonwealth or EU Citizen. Applicants must also meet at least one of the following four qualifications:

  1. Be registered on the electoral roll
  2. Have occupied, as owner or tenant, land, or other premises in the parish during the whole of the past 12 months
  3. The main or only place of work during the past 12 months has been in the parish
  4. Have lived in the parish or within three miles of it during the whole of the past 12 months

Two Councillor Vacancies

Parish Councillor Vacancies

There are currently two vacancies to be filled by co-option on Ludgvan Parish Council, one in the Lelant Ward and one in the Crowlas Ward. (Applicants need not live in the actual Ward – see the ‘small print’ below).

The council will fill these vacancies by co-option, which is a process where the council considers applications from interested people and can then select someone to fill the seat.

We need people from all backgrounds and experiences to put themselves forward for this role. The role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the interests of the whole community and to take an active role in the decision-making process. You don’t need any specific experience or qualifications, bring your life experiences, everyday skills and commitment to people and the local community.

Applications should be made in writing to Louise Clifton, Parish Clerk, by email to:  The application form is available online at:  Application forms should be submitted by midday, Monday 11 November 2024.

The Parish Council will consider all applications at its meeting on Wednesday 13 November 2024. Applicants will have the opportunity to give a short introduction about themselves if they wish to.

Ludgvan Parish Council meetings are currently held at 6.45pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Find out more about the work of the council on the website:

The Small Print

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and a British citizen, or an eligible Commonwealth or EU Citizen. Applicants must also meet at least one of the following four qualifications:

  1. Be registered on the electoral roll
  2. Have occupied, as owner or tenant, land, or other premises in the parish during the whole of the past 12 months
  3. The main or only place of work during the past 12 months has been in the parish
  4. Have lived in the parish or within three miles of it during the whole of the past 12 months

Notice of Vacancy for Councillor – Crowlas Ward

To view the notice of vacancy for a parish councillor for the Long Rock Ward, please click on this link:

If by 25 September 2024 a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing (by hand or post) to the Returning Officer at Cornwall Council by TEN electors for the Crowlas Ward, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

Full details are given in the notice in the link above.

Two Councillor Vacancies

Ludgvan Parish Council

Parish Councillor Vacancies

There are currently two vacancies to be filled by co-option on Ludgvan Parish Council, one in the Lelant Ward and one in the Long Rock Ward. (Applicants need not live in the actual Ward – see the ‘small print’ below).

The council will fill these vacancies by co-option, which is a process where the council considers applications from interested people and can then select someone to fill the seat.

We need people from all backgrounds and experiences to put themselves forward for this role. The role of a Parish Councillor is to represent the interests of the whole community and to take an active role in the decision-making process. You don’t need any specific experience or qualifications, bring your life experiences, everyday skills and commitment to people and the local community.

Applications should be made in writing to Louise Clifton, Parish Clerk, by email to:  The application form is available online at:  Application forms should be submitted by 9am, Monday 2 September 2024.

The Parish Council will consider all applications at its meeting on Wednesday 11 September 2024. Applicants will have the opportunity to give a short introduction about themselves if they wish to.

Ludgvan Parish Council meetings are currently held at 6.45pm on the second Wednesday of each month. Find out more about the work of the council on the website:

The Small Print

Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and a British citizen, or an eligible Commonwealth or EU Citizen. Applicants must also meet at least one of the following four qualifications:

  1. Be registered on the electoral roll
  2. Have occupied, as owner or tenant, land, or other premises in the parish during the whole of the past 12 months
  3. The main or only place of work during the past 12 months has been in the parish
  4. Have lived in the parish or within three miles of it during the whole of the past 12 months

Register now – free swims for under 16s at Jubilee Pool, summer 2024

Although this time round the Parish Council did not opt to fund the Kids Swim Free at the Jubilee Pool for under 16s in the Ludgvan Parish (See, local residents and friends have carried out fund-raising and so there is the opportunity for the summer 2024 season for under 16s living in the parish to swim for free. A hearty ‘well done!’ to those who organised and contributed to funding this.

For anyone looking to sign up under 16s for FREE  SWIMS at the Jubilee Pool, see more information on Jubilee Pool’s facebook page:

Also, for information about getting tickets on the Jubilee Pool website:

Cormac consultation on proposed Pedestrian Improvements B3309 Crowlas to Ludgvan

Cornwall Council’s consultation finder can be used to view and respond to this traffic consultation:

Cormac on behalf of Cornwall Council is inviting comments on a proposal to implement a number of pedestrian improvements along the B3309 between Crowlas and Ludgvan. The proposed improvements include crossing points, improvements to pedestrian routes, formalisation of bus stop facilities and a number of speed reduction features.

Cormac will be holding a mini exhibition on Tuesday 23 July between 3.30pm and 6.00pm, at the Ludgvan Community Centre TR20 8ES

The consultation documents received by the parish council can be viewed via the links below:

Saturday 3 August – 120th annual Ludgvan Horticultural Show

At Ludgvan Parish Church

Lots of fun categories to enter, including:

Art – photography – home cooking – fruit – vegetables – flowers – handicrafts

All welcome to enter and take part!

See poster for more information:

Free schedules, including entry form can be picked up from Crowlas Post Office and Long Rock Post Office

Also available from

Notice of Vacancy for Councillor – Long Rock Ward

To view the notice of vacancy for a parish councillor for the Long Rock Ward, please click on this link:

If by 30 July 2024 a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing (by hand or post) to the Returning Officer at Cornwall Council by TEN electors for the Long Rock Ward, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.

Full details are given in the notice in the link above.